Calling All Misfits

You belong here.

You’re quirky, you don’t fit into society’s little boxes of do’s and don’t’s, and you have a bigger inner world than most people ever get to see. Often times this can feel so alienating and like you’re the only person on the planet who feels this way, but don’t fall into that trap. There are other oddballs out there who get what it’s like to walk a mile in your shoes and who know how much you have to offer the world.

From one oddball to another, this is your safe space. Here, your uniqueness is celebrated because you bring something to the table that no one else can: You.

Keep reading below to learn more about Wild Haven and how I can help you embrace your fullest life.

Areas of Practice

LGBTQ+ Teens & Adults

Growing up is confusing enough, not to mention now you have feelings about everything that are complex and hard to make sense of. On top of that, you’re trying to make sense of who you are, who you like or don’t like, and there’s a lot of scary news stories out there about what it means to be part of the LGBTQ+ community. My job is to help you unravel your thoughts and feelings into a meaningful story about who you are, what you stand for, and what kind of life you want to live while being fully authentic to yourself.

I use sex-positive and LGBTQ+ and kink-affirming practices in my work, and I enjoy working with all manner of relationship structures. Schedule a 15-minute consultation call with me to see if we might work well together for a more meaningful and fulfilled life.

Sex Therapy for Adults

Sex is tricky - society tells us we can talk about it, but only just enough and to the right people and in the right situations. We can make jokes about how desperate we are for connection and intimacy, but genuinely asking for it from a partner feels like the end of the world. We’re boring if we don’t ask for new things in the bedroom, but if we admit to a fantasy then we’re shamed for being weird. Oh, and did I mention that most of us never really got any education about (much less, encouragement for) pleasing and taking care of our own bodies?

When it all just feels so complicated and confusing, this is where I come in. I can help give you language to ask for what you need, break down sexual barriers, break free from sexual stereotypes and scripts, and become more confident in an entirely new way.

If you’re ready for more pleasurable relationships with others or yourself, schedule a consultation call with me.

First Responder Families

First responders do a lot for the community - you hold the peace, you keep us safe, and you come to our rescue on our worst days. However, the community might not always do the same for you and your family. Instead, you experience an incredible degree of loneliness on your days off because going back into the community where those difficult calls happened is just too unbearable. Connecting with your family can sometimes feel impossible because they don’t understand that you’re still reeling from a death at one of your recent calls. You might even have a hard time controlling your anger and you can’t really figure out why you’re angry to begin with.

As a first responder family member, you might feel incredibly lonely or angry, too, because you have to manage the household all alone while your responder isn’t present (mentally or physically). Sometimes you feel like the glue holding everything together - you make sure everyone gets to the right place and take care of everyone’s mental health except your own. You’re so focused on your family and your responder, you might forget to take care of yourself leaving you feeling invisible to anyone else.

As a partner of a first responder, I know what it’s like to feel concerned about and on the constant lookout for your first responder. As a mental health expert, I know how to help you and your first responder beat it so you can live a better life.

I’d love to consult with you about improving your relationship and increasing your family’s quality of life while honoring the difficult work your first responder does for the community.

Let’s Connect!

I’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have about getting started with counseling. I’m also available to book a consultation or speaking engagement. Click the button below to send me a contact form and schedule a free 25-minute consultation.